Beyond AutoML - Pipelines, Trainers, and Transforms

Resources for Chapter 9 of Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks

Beyond AutoML - Pipelines, Trainers, and Transforms

Chapter 9 of Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks takes the training wheels off of ML.NET by showing how ML.NET works with pipelines, how AutoML selects which model trainer to use, how to work without AutoML at all, and how to perform hyperparameter tuning. This chapter also discusses the available classification and regression model trainers as well as the different hyperparameter tuners.

Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks
Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks

Learn data science using ML.NET, OpenAI, and Semantic Kernel

Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks teaches experienced .NET devs the fundamentals of data science, machine learning, and AI orchestration. It covers topics like ML.NET, OpenAI, Semantic Kernel, career development, and more.

Buy Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks on Amazon or through Packt in print and digital formats.

Additional Resources

These resources and notes are likely to be helpful while reading Chapter 9 of Data Science in .NET with Polyglot Notebooks.